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Profound Revelations

Psalms 119:93 TPT
I can never forget the profound revelations you’ve taught me, for they have kept me alive more than once.

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What is Holiness?

Holiness refers to God & what belongs to Him. It’s progressive & perfected in the fear & devotion to God. In practice, it’s deciding not to sin because of our Love for Him regardless of having the eagerness to fulfill the desires of the flesh.

For the purpose of reaching people with the Gospel.


Hello everyone! My name is Anita Rosario Marcial. I grew up in a Caribbean Island called Puerto Rico and I created this blog to encourage others to walk with the Lord.

Theos Miraculum® was a name given to me during fasting when I started to walk with the Lord. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior on Summer of 2012 and have been in an accelerated spiritual journey with a lot of SELAH-moments ever since!

I knew that “Theos” meant “God” in Greek and that “Miraculum” is a Latin word that means “miracle”, wonder, marvel, or an object of wonder. Miraculum is often used to describe supernatural happenings, such as a direct answer to one’s prayer. I asked the Lord: “Why are You giving me a name for ministry by unifying a Greek word with a Latin word?”

Then, I heard the Lord’s response in that SELAH-moment saying: “BECAUSE THIS IS THE TIME FOR MY CHURCH TO UNITE”.

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Support Resources

About Me

About Me


As you may be wondering…Why Lenses of Royalty? It’s quite simple! After our darkest valleys, many of us have struggled with a fogged perception even though we are not victims of what we went through anymore. Others are still in their same situation and are looking for a light to motivate them to rise and shine to move towards their next step in the process to reach the “High Calling of God.”

We struggle with insignificance because we have made our worth dependent on other’s opinions. We struggle with identity because we don’t know who we are outside of what we do or outside the dark world that we have experienced. And…we struggle with loneliness because we are searching for love rather than giving it. Just remember…that what comes out of our mouth is what is in our hearts and how we view God and others reveal many things about our interior. Brokenness will come out of our mouth if we are still broken, which may lead to destructive ministry.

Let’s put those pieces together and rise together as one kingdom!

I understand and have experienced many sides of mistreatment, struggled with sin, struggled with loneliness, and survived life-threatening experiences. However, I also understand that WE ARE ROYALTY, we are made in the IMAGE OF GOD and with purified lenses we can see WHO and HOW He really is. We are who the Lord says we are. We are loved and we belong to the highest kingdom with a royal culture!

In the process of acquiring the lenses of royalty, you may sometimes feel relief and other times uncomfortable. But the truth of your identity sets you FREE!

Theos Miraculum® also has a YouTube Channel to edify the body of Christ, counsel the broken hearted, encourage the weary, and call near to the Father. In our channel, everyone will understand what a SELAH-moment really is in a practical manner, where SELAH means “Stop & Listen”, and we also see it as an acronym with the following meaning:


With Christ, paternity and identity is restored and we believe in the miraculous! In Theos Miraculum®…we believe in that “SELAH moments are life changing”, and just like a lotus flower, we also believe that even in the dirtiest waters, there’s beauty.

I’m so glad that you are here! I am very excited to meet you! Feel free to message me, subscribe to our Theos Miraculum® YouTube channel and enjoy our Theos Miraculum® Shop!


  • I am a Puerto Rican Nurse!
  • My favorite jewelry are “Pearls”.
  • Some of my hobbies are: acquiring new friendships, traveling, running, singing, and dancing.
  • My favorite dessert is…wait for it…KEY LIME PIE!

“Invest in truth and never sell it – in wisdom, and instruction and understanding” (Prov 23:23).


We share Blogs, Bible studies, and other support resources.


Bible studies

Core Values

  1. God is good (Psalm 100:5).
  2. Salvation creates a joyful identity (Hebrews 12:2).
  3. Focused in His presence (Psalm 16:11).
  4. Jesus empowers supernatural ministry (Mark 16:17-18).
  5. Abiding in love is abiding in God (1 John 4:16).
  6. We are given the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:11-21).
  7. Purification is progressive (Titus 2: 11-15).
  8. Honor affirms value (1 Peter 2:7; Romans 12:10).
  9. Unity acknowledges Christ (Col 2:2).
  10. We represent kingdom culture (1 Peter 2:9).

Core Beliefs

  1. Jesus was fully human and fully God (John 1:14-18, 2 Cor. 5:21).
  2. There is Only one God (Mat. 28:19).
  3. The Bible is the word of God (2 Tim 3:16).
  4. We are made justified by grace (Eph. 2:1-10).
  5. We belong to a heavenly congregation (Hebrews 12:22-24).
  6. A relationship with Jesus is the only way to God (John 14:6).
  7. We are baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38; Acts 8:16; Acts 19:5; Acts 22:16).

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God”

© Copyright - Theos Miraculum®
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