The True Story About The Clouds

In one of my older blog posts,
Walking In The Spirit Realm With The Lord, you have seen the picture above. However, I will tell you the true story about this picture.
It was day time at my parents house in Guaynabo, PR. My family was going through tough years, in which my brother had a couple of near to death experiences and we had the loss of both grandma and grandpa in the same year. That part of his testimony is for him to say, but I will talk about what happened before and during taking this picture…
I never go outside to the patio, but that day I heard the Holy Spirit saying “go to the patio”, so I went. When I was outside, I was saying “what now?” and the Holy Spirit said “look up”. I saw all the clouds standing still without movement and the face of Jesus looking at me! Then I heard the Holy Spirit say “get your brother”. I ran into the house to get him and when we came out to the patio, I told my brother to look up. His first reaction was shocking! He looked at the face of Jesus, kneeled and lifted his arms!
Psalm 24:6-7
Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob. Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.
The Lord lifted up my brother and delivered him. Right after this special moment, his life changed dramatically. At the present time, he is evangelizing at an island called St Kitts and studying medicine for the glory of God.
Psalm 36:5-6
Your mercy, O Lordis in the heavens;
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

Your righteousness is like the great mountains;
Your judgments are a great deep;
Lord, You preserve man and beast.
Preserve- free, succor, deliver.
Heavens- sky.
Mercy- kindness.
Faithfulness- firmness, fidelity.
And this is the true story behind the picture of the face of Jesus in the clouds. Furthermore, clouds are always moving…but this day…this special day…they were not moving! Reason why I took pictures!