From Confusion to Truth

My father was into spiritism, demonic tongues overnight and spirits would talk to him and through him. At that time, it was all strange for me, and many times those things used to give me a fright. However, now I know that the word of God indicates: “do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 19:31).

We were all Catholic, but we didn’t practice it regularly. I used to say that “I believe in God but not in the church. I used to pray when I was little and saw many shadows and rare spirits in the house. However, then I stopped praying in my teenage years, but I still felt uncomfortable in some places in my house, especially at night time.

I started again to pray in my late teenage years and shadows were tormenting me again in my room. I remember that I ran to my mother telling her that an evil spirit was bothering me in the room and she went to my room saying “leave my daughter alone in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”. After she said that, my ensure bottle (that I used to drink to gain weight) fell to the floor randomly (very creepy). But…why did this happen? She was using titles and not the name of Jesus.

Proverbs 18:10

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe”.

In the year of 2012, I went to a Catholic Father to ask him what to do for the evil spirits to leave me alone. He sort of laughed at me and told me to pray the Rosary. I had prayed the Rosary many times but… it didn’t work.

Later on, I decided to tell this to my best friend, who’s father is a pastor at a Baptist church and she told me “maybe I can help you. Please visit my church this Sunday”. I told her: “well, my family is catholic, but sure… I can try your church”. When I visited her church, I felt very comfortable and I liked the familiar environment. The second time I visited her church, a man of God went to me to hug me and pray for me. I didn’t even know who he was, but I fell to the floor crying and was delivered. I accepted Jesus as my one and only savior and then my life kept dramatically changing.

James 4:7 

“Submit yourselves then to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you”.

And this is why there is no coincidence on me making a best friend who never judged me. A friend whom I met at a Beauty pageant in 2010, whom I didn’t know that she was going to my same college. God sent her for me to finally accept Him and know the TRUTH!